That's My Cleopaträ

That's My Cleopaträ



Sustainability in Design

Icograda General Assembly 23, Beijing, China (2009).

“the application of principles to communication design practice that increase the likelihood that future generations will be able to meet their needs as easily as we can today."

Sustainability in Design Includes

Compliance may include:
  1. Meeting relevant laws, by-laws and regulations or best practice or codes of practice to support compliance in environmental performance and sustainability at each level as required (such as Environmental Protection or Biodiversity Conservation Act):
  • international
  • commonwealth
  • state/territory
  • industry
  • organisation.
Purchasing strategies may include:
  • influencing suppliers to take up environmental sustainability approaches
  • researching and participating in programs such as a supply chain program to purchase sustainable products.
Stakeholders, key personnel and specialists may include:
  •  individuals and groups both inside and outside the organisation who have direct or indirect interest in the organisation's conduct, actions, products and services, including:
  • customers
  • employees at all levels of the organisation
  • government
  •  investors
  • local community
  • other organisations
  • suppliers
  •  key personnel within the organisation, and specialists outside the organisation who may have particular technical expertise.
Techniques and tools may include:
  • examination of invoices from suppliers
  • examination of relevant information and data
  • measurements made under different conditions
  • others as appropriate to the specific industry context.
Environmental and resource efficiency improvement plans may include:
  •  addressing environmental and resource sustainability initiatives such as environmental management systems, action plans, green office programs, surveys and audits
  • applying the waste management hierarchy in the workplace
  • determining organisation's most appropriate waste treatment including waste to landfill, recycling, re-use, recoverable resources and wastewater treatment
  •  initiating and/or maintaining appropriate organisational procedures for operational energy consumption, including stationary energy and non-stationary (transport)
  •  preventing and minimising risks, and maximising opportunities such as:
  • improving resource/energy efficiency
  • reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
  • reducing use of non-renewable resources
  • referencing standards, guidelines and approaches such as:
  •  ecological footprinting
  • Energy Efficiency Opportunities Bill 2005
  • Global Reporting Initiative
  • green office program - a cultural change program
  • green purchasing
  •  Greenhouse Challenge Plus (Australian government initiative)
  • ISO 14001:1996 Environmental management systems life cycle analyses
  •  product stewardship
  • supply chain management
  • sustainability covenants/compacts
  • triple bottom line reporting.
Suggestions may include ideas that help to:

2. Prevent and minimise risks and maximise opportunities such as:
  •  usage of solar or renewable energies where appropriate
  •  reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
  •  reducing use of non-renewable resources
  • making more efficient use of resources, energy and water
  •  maximising opportunities to re-use, recycle and reclaim materials
3. Iidentifying strategies to offset or mitigate environmental impacts:
  •  purchasing carbon credits
  • energy conservation
  • reducing chemical use
  •  reducing material consumption
4. expressing purchasing power through the selection of suppliers with improved environmental performance e.g. purchasing renewable energy.

5. Eliminating the use of hazardous and toxic materials.

Resources Architecture, Interiors, Products, Technology, Energy, Transportation, Fashion, Art, Kids, Competitions. - Provides information on Environment Improvement Plan in place at Toyota Australia. - Provides guidelines for environmental reporting. - US-based site providing information and resources for environmentally sustainable business practices. - Standards Australia website provides information about ISO 14001 environmental management system. - Environmental search engine covering vast range of topics. - Provides general environment information and facts.

Graphic Design / Print association websites 

Energy provider websites 

Generally provide information on renewable energy and suggestions on how to save energy. - Energy provider with information on renewable energy sources. - Provides information about energy star rating. - Community organisation aiming to help people reduce environmental impact. - Provider of renewable energy. Information on renewable energy alternatives.

Local Council websites 

Generally provide information on local waste collection requirements and other local environmental information. Some provide information on local suppliers for environmental products.

Government websites - Queensland Water Commission website provides tips for homes and businesses to reduce water use. - Victorian Government website with details information on various programs, including Waste Wise, and extensive workplace tools. - Federal Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. Extensive information about environmental programs. - Victorian Environment Protection Authority website. Provides information about environmental compliance in Victoria and general information. - Federal Government website with information on managing vehicle emissions. - South Australian organisation which promotes waste management practices aimed at eliminating landfill waste. - Federal Department of Climate Change website. Information on Kyoto Protocols. Tools, publications and extensive information.

Recycling / Waste contractor websites - Generally provide suggestions for managing waste and information about recycling services. - Recovers and recycles electronic products. - Provides information on recycling in the workplace, at home, or at school. - New Zealand website providing suggestions on reducing waste at home and in the workplace. - Provides information on steel-can recycling in Australia.

Water provider websites – Generally provide information on local water restrictions and suggestions on how to save water. - Queensland Water Commission program to restrict water use to an average of 140 litres per person, per day.

Sustainability Living Tasmania 

Community resource and education centre working to provide a direct, local, realistic and accessible contribution to the protection and restoration of the natural environment, and the development of homes and cities for a sustainable future.


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